Every day we face new challenges and make important decisions. It goes without saying that we comply with the relevant laws and regulations. We see this as a fundamental prerequisite for the sustainable business success of DB Cargo AG.

Compliance at DB Cargo AG
Protecting our values.
Code of conduct
Compliance at DB means the observance of all applicable laws, rules and directives. It is an essential part of the risk management of the DB Group with an emphasis on the prevention of corruption and white collar crime. DB's Corporate Principles Ethics (Code of Conduct) define standards and expectations for all business activities of our employees and managers. We expect the observance of rules as well as morally correct behavior not only from our own employees and managers but also from our business partners, for whom a special Code of Conduct exists.
DB Cargo AG has set up an internal reporting office to ensure our compliance and to fulfil our obligations under the German Whistleblower Protection Act (Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz, “HinSchG”).
There you can report a concrete suspicion of a serious violation of laws and DB rules.
DB Cargo AG and its domestic subsidiaries have each entrusted DB Cargo Compliance with the tasks of the internal reporting office in accordance with the provisions of the Whistleblower Protection Act.
Reporting channels
Internal reporting channels
DB Cargo AG's internal whistleblower system offers various channels for reporting possible violations:
Electronic whistleblower system of the DB Group: BKMS
DB Cargo Compliance
e-mail: compliance-dbcargo@deutschebahn.com
Phone: +49 69 265-34013
External reporting channel
As a whistleblower, you have the right to choose between submitting a report to an internal or external reporting channel. Internal reports are usually the shortest way to eliminate grievances. If external involvement is needed, the Danish Data Protection Agency has established an independent and autonomous whistleblower channel.
We are transparent about how we deal with invitations, gifts and other benefits offered by third parties or within the company itself.
In terms of trade compliance, we adhere to all the applicable regulations in Germany and other countries concerning our companies and business activities, including when it comes to export control.
Get in touch with our expert.
HR DB Cargo Scandinavia A/S