Rail Network

Goods on Rail: A perfect fit for the climate

We offer a large European rail network for all types of goods.

Our transport options


A strong team for all goods!

DB Cargo covers the entire transport chain in Scandinavia. Based in Denmark and Sweden, we operate a broad single wagonload network, efficient intermodal and block trains, multimodal terminals and our own maintenance depot. With technical expertise, good contacts and in all Scandinavian languages, we ensure that rail freight transport runs smoothly.

Single Wagon

For small and large volumes. For customers with their own private siding and those without. In Denmark, Sweden, Germany or anywhere in Europe. With our extensive fleet of freight wagons, we are well equipped to meet your transport needs.


The modern combined transport solution for trailers, swap bodies and containers – connects rail terminals and ports via effective hubs in Denmark and throughout Europe.


If you have very large quantities to be transported, we can offer a block train. And only with your goods. For your ad hoc transport of goods, we can provide transport according to your needs at short notice.


Traction for satisfied customers 

Our 30 multi-system electric locomotives connect Sweden, Denmark and Germany without locomotive changeovers at the borders. DB Cargo is the only freight railroad that can haul 2,300 tons in one train through Denmark. HVO-tested diesel and switching locomotives complement our versatile fleet and enable shunting on private customers' sidings.

Find our railports here

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Local presence in Denmark and Sweden

With close political contacts and strong partnerships in the rail and logistics industry, DB Cargo creates optimal customer solutions and ensures a shift to other modes of transport. With our Swedish branch, we ensure smooth processes at competitive costs. Together with our partners, we are proven all-rounders for intermodal, block train and spot concepts.